Session 2. 13th July 2009
Session 1. 6 th July 2009 Pictures from the 2nd day's workshop of UMA (Using traditional Media for awareness of reproductive health ) dance skills development and discussions on self and womanhood 13th July 2009 at Avvai Home school. Madhumathi was the resource person with V.R.Devika the director of the project.

The Aseema Trust's new project "Using Media to create Awareness of Reproductive Health and HIV and AIDS among Adolescent Girls " has begun at Avvai Home. This project is to use the learnings of the earlier project "Using Traditional Performing Arts as empowering tool for vulnerable girls" which we conducted in partnership with world education 2006 - 09. A workshop on programme planning and development of logic model, programme planning matrix etc was conducted by Konda Reddy of World Education with our partner in this project Nalamdana. We later had a meeting with Nalamdana to plan and now have started the skills of Bharathanatyam dance training session at Avvai Home with the girls of TVR School (age 10 - 15 years) A rewarding experience to talk to these wonderful girls.
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