31st December - V.R.Devika conducted a session on traditional performing arts and Gandhi in education for a group of teachers of Kendriya Vidyalayas at Dakshinachitra. V.R.Devika also inaugurated the street photo and book exhibition organised by the progressive writers association at Saidapet.
30th December - V.R.Devika facilitated a face to face encounter with Bharthanatyam artist Alarmel Valli for Deccan Chronicle news paper. Poetry with Prakriti validectory with readings by Ruth Padel and Aditi Saxena at Oxford book store.
29th December - Trip to Kanchipuram to invite the priest of Vaikuntaperumal temple to the 7th programme of Prakriti Foundation.
28th December - Natyakala conference of Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai. Poetry with Prakriti reading by Aditi Machado at Evolutione and Neetu Das at Oxford book store.
27th December - Natyakala conference of Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai. Mamalla heritage group meeting on scripts of pallavas.
26th December - Natyakala conference of Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai. Meeting with Mr.D.K.Oza. Poetry with Prakriti readings by Ananta Kumar Giri in TFL Gym.
23rd December - Poetry with Prakriti with Deepika Arvind at Shilpi and Asan memorial school and Manav Kaul at Vastrakala and Evolutione.
22nd Dcember - V.R.Devika facilitated a face to face encounter with Bharathanatyam artist Urmila Satyanarayana for Deccan Chronicle news paper. meeting in the University of Madras.
21st December - UMA session at Avvai Home with Sowmya
20th December - V.R.Devika attended the meeting of Mamalla heritage group. Screening of film on sculptures Vaasthu marabu by Bala Kailasam. Poetry with Prakriti festival reading of Parnab and Sampoorna at madras terrace house.
19th December - Poetry with Prakriti Festival reading of Parnab Mukherjea and Sampoorna at Apparao galleries.
18th December - Poetry slam of Prakriti Foundation with US consulate.
17th December - V.R.Devika attended a piano and carnatic vocal programme at the US consul General's residence.
16th December - Inauguration of Poetry with Prakriti festival at Taj mount road.
15th December - Post Natyam dance presented by Prakriti Foundation at Chandramandapa.
14th December - UMA session at Avvai Home with Sowmya. V.R.Devika compered a programme of music from Srilanka for Indian Council for Cultural Relations.
13th December - V.R.Devika attended a meeting of the Mamalla heritage group. Talk on early history of Tamils.
12th December - V.R.Devika gave a talk on "Shiva, Nataraja and Orion" at the literary club of Gymkhana.
10th December - V.R.Devika chaired a session on Women rights and empowerment at Loyala College.
7th December - UMA session at Avvai Home with Sowmya and Vasundhara Thomas and V.R.Devika
4th December - Workshop on "Identity" with students of Navharath Matriculation School at Dakshinachitra by V.R.Devika
3rd December - Workshop on "Identity" with students of Navharath Matriculation School at Dakshinachitra by V.R.Devika
2nd - 6th December - The New Festival of Prakriti Foundation.
30th November - UMA session at Avvai Home with Sowmya and Vasundhara Thomas.
26th November - Creating a sahridaya gandhi session with class VII of Olcott School.
23rd November - UMA session at Avvai Home with Sowmya
21st and 22 November - Moonshine and skytoffee and Sangathi arinnyo two english plays based on Vaikkom Mohammed Basheer's Malayalam short stories staged by PERCH theatre group as a fundraiser for The Aseema Trust and Nalamdana at Kalakshetra.
16th November - UMA session at Avvai Home with Nila and V.R.Devika
15th November - V.R.Devika was awarded the title Gnanasamudhra by Samudhra magazine.
14th November - V.R.Devika chief guest at children's day programme of sharing organised by Yellow Bus play school
11 and 12th November - V.R. Devika took part in IBM's reinventing education conference.
9th November - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
8th November - V.R. Devika and Vasantha Parthsharathy facilitated Citizens Run
6th November - Gandhi and spinning a session with classes 8,9,and 10 of Ashok Leylands school, Hosur and traditional performing arts in education with the school teachers by V.R.Devika
2nd November - UMA - dance session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
27 - 31st October - V.R.Devika was a part of the Horizon group to look at demining in Srilanka.
26 October - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
25th October - V.R.Devika did a story telling session of Indian mythology and culture for students of Semester at Sea at Dakshinachitra and compered a programme of music from Brazil for ICCR at Mylapore Fine Arts Club.
23rd October - V.R.Devika compered a programme of music from Columbia for ICCR at Sri Krishna Gana Sabha.
21st October - V.R. Devika gave an illustrated talk on " Nataraja and the Orion constellation" for Medha Maithri women's group.
20th October - Visit to Kanchipuram to photograph scultures. VRD and S.Anvar.
19th October - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
15th October - VRD attended a meeting of public affairs section of US consulate.
14th October - viewing a film on Child Sexual Abuse with Ashraya, visit of Sowmya for music education in schools and Raviraj and Mansa of Kalanjiyam to Aseema.
13th October - brain storming session on reinventing education IBM project at Corporation girls School, Nungambakkam
12th October - UMA- dance session at Avvai Home by Vasundhara Thomas.
12th October - Gandhi and education workshop at Kalanjiyam, kalpatt village, Madurantakam
10th October - Spin a Yarn at Patashala.
9th October - Spin a Yarn at Besant Arundale School.
8th October - Spin a Yarn at Vidyodaya.
8th October - Spin a Yarn at Suddhananda Vidyalaya.
7th October - Spin a Yarn at Navbharath matriculation school.
6th October - Spin a yarn at Children's garden school and Besant Theosophical School
5th October - UMA - Ahimsa Devi and reproductive health and HIV aids programme at Avvai home with Bombay Jayashri as chief guest.
5th October - Spin a Yarn project session at Bla Vidya Mandir .
2nd October - Spinning on the Charkha at Nageswara Rao Park for Gandhi Jayanthi with Avvai Home girls.
2nd October - Creating a Sahridaya workshop for teachers at Balamandir
1st October - V.R.Devika's illustrated talk on Mahatma Gandhi at L.M.Dadha school.
1st October - V.R.Devika's illustrated talk on Mahatma Gandhi at MGR Janaki College
September - 28 - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
Septmeber 28 - V.R.Devika at Lakshya dance academy for Vijayadashami
Septmber 25 - 30 - UMA- Training sessions at NSS camp at Kanathoor for Avvai Home
September 21 - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
September 19 - performance of Kolattam at kolu facilitated by the aseema trust.
September 16th - Bombay Jayashri recording at Resound studio.
Septmber 15th - Play About Caliban Prakriti Foundation's Hamara Shakespeare at Stella Maris College
September 14th - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
September 10th - Puppet show amost twelfth night by Katkatha at Balavidyamandir school for prakriti foundation's hamara shakespeare festival 2009.
September 9th - Puppet theatre almost twelfth night at Asan Memorial school for Prakriti Foundation's Hamara Shakespeare festival 2009.
September 7th - UMA - Dance session at Avvai home for school students and teacher trainees with V.R.Devika and Vasudhara Thomas.
September 5th - V.R.Devika gave an illustrated presentation for teacher's day on " traditional performing arts in education" at Thakkar Bapa Vidyalaya campus for Tamil Heritage Group.
September 3rd - V.R.Devika organised a Carnatic classical concert for children by celebrity singer Aruna Sairam at SOS children's village.
August 31st - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
August 28th - V.R.Devika took part in the exchange visitor alumni association of US consulate general meeting in Bangalore
August 24th - Interfaith dialogue with Anju Bhargava and college students at Stella Maris College and at US consul general's residence.
August 24th - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
August 21st - V.R.Devika conducted a workshop on Swaraj and Swadeshi for school teachers at Dakshinachitra.
August 17th - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees with Vasundhara thomas of Kalakshetra.
August 10th - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
August 10th, 11th, 12th, - Swaraj and Swadeshi and Gandhi workshop for school students from rural schools around Dakshinachitra.
August 4th and 5th - V.R. Devika at Swanubhava organised by T.M.Krishna and Bombay Jayashree. Presented Therukoothu.
http://www.hindu.com/fr/2009/08/07/stories/2009080751550100.htmAugust 3 - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
August 1 and 2nd - V.R. Devika at CCD Madurai doing a workshop for rural teachers.
July 30th and 31st - Melanie and Lilian at Navbharath matriculation school. conversing with children.
July 29th - Spinning for Melanie and Lilian.
July 28th - Melanie and Lilian from US started their internship at Aseema.
July 27th - UMA session at Avvai Home for school girls and teacher trainees.
July 25th - V.R.Devika attended the inaguration of peace academy.
July 20th - UMA - Workshop session with Avvai Home school and teacher trainees.
July 19th - V.R.Devika emceed a progromme on dance and mathematics by Three Aksha group of Philadelphia for ICCR.
July 17th - workshop with Nalamdana to prepare for "UMA" project
July 16th - VRD inaugurated Hindustani music festival in memory of Gaanayogi Pachakshara gavai.
July 9th - VRD did a workshop for English teachers of government colleges on communication skills and Gandhi.