V.R.Devika designed a workshop for school students and teachers on the topic of "SWARAJ" and "SWADESHI" at Dakshinachitra. Issues discussed were what Swaraj actually means apart from political independence and democracy and elections. students were asked to come up with meanings. A powerpoint presentation with video clippings of original mahatma gandhi footage was shown to students. Then they were asked to go explore Dakshinachitra and come back and sit in smaller groups, deliberate among themselves on what they had seen and heard the morning and recall it in words on chart papers and then present it to the larger group. The first 93 class IX boys and girls from Uthandi government school had a game with Priya Nagesh on Swaraj which had different tasks assigned to children who had to look after their role in the group. then the students discussed that freedom also meant cooperation and recognition of rights of others. Spinning on the Charkha was tried by several students and then a quiz on the poster exhibition of Tamilnadu's contribution to freedom struggle put up by Roja Muthiah Library was held and a lacquer decorated pen was given as prize for each correct answer. The second day the workshop was shifted to Thirupporur school as Tuesday is a holiday for Dakshinachitra. Class XI was engaged in a conversation on Swaraj and given a demonstration of Spinning. A workshop is scheduled again on 18th August as the powerpoint could not be presented. The third day, students were given the brief on what, why, how, who, where of Dakshinachitra.
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