V.R.Devika has just returned from a fabulous trip to North America. 66 days with 28 lectures, one conference, one week of International Visitor leadership programme as the guest of the US State department. She took 14 flights, 12 train and bus journeys in Mexico, USA and Canada and met fantastic people.
Pictures at picasaweb.google.com/vrdevika
March 10 - Talk on Gandhi for the Interdisciplinary masters, University of Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico.
March 11 - Talk on "Power of Performing Arts in India" for the theatre arts department, university of Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico.
March 12 - Illustrated interaction with BA class of theatre arts University of Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico.
March 15 - Visit to Martin Luther King memorial and exhibition, Atlanta, Georgia.
March 16 - Public lecture on Gandhi at Unitarian Church, Greenville, North Carolina, USA.
March 17 - Introduction to Asia, class of Prof.John Tucker, University of East Carolina, Greenville, North Carolina.
March 17 - Hinduism class of Prof.Derek Meher, University of East Carolina, Greenville, North Carolina.
March 18 - Talk on Gandhi - Ledonia Wright centre, University of East Carolina, Greenville, North Carolina.
March 19 - Girls and Art in India Jenkins art centre, University of East Carolina, Greenvilee, North Carolina.
March 20 - Talk on Gandhi at the Satsang of Yogaville, Virginia.
March 21 - Talk on traditional performing arts of Tamilnadu, Gandhi, Nataraja etc for students and parents of dance school of Padmarani Rasiah.
March 23 - Visit to Short Pump elementary school for talk on gandhi, Richmond, Virgina.
March 23 - Demonstration of spinning wheel, Montessory school, Richmond, Virgina.
March 25 - Master class on Bharathanatyam Mudras , dance department, The College of Wooster, Ohio.
March 25 - Public lecture on Gandhi, The College of Wooster, Ohio.
April 4th - "Traditional performing arts of Tamilnadu", Gandhi etc talk for students of Natya Institute, Chicago.
April 7th - Gandhi - presentation to two public schools in Chicago.
April 9th - Girls and performing arts in India talk presented by India Studies Centre, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
April 10th - "Gond Art of India" seminar at Wellesley, MA.
April 13th - Meeting for internship opportunities in Chennai. Mt.Holyoke College, MA.
April 13th - Epic Theatre in India - drama of queen, Goddess Draupadi - illustrated talk at Mt.Holyoke College, MA.
April 14th - Talk on Gandhi Mt.Holyoke College, MA.
April 15th - Talk on Gandhi film studeies dept. Amherst Colelge, MA.
April 15th - In conversation with Prof.David Reck. India, arts, Gandhi etc. Amherst College, MA.
April 16th - Meeting at World Education office, Boston, MA.
April 24th - 28th - Conference of the International Partnership Network, Toronto, Canada.
May 1st - Talk on traditional performing arts, Nataraja icon etc for Natya Institute, New Jersey.
May 3rd - International Visitor Leadership programme visit Meeting with Ms.P.Kowall, Programme Officer, Office of International visitors, US Department of State, Mr.Lau Gieszel, President elect of Association for conflict resolution at Meridan International House,Surprise meeting with Joanne Huskey, Mr. Charles F.Dambach,President and CEO Alliance for Peace building, Ms.Patricia Maulden, Institute for Conflict Resolution, George Mason University, Washington DC.
May 4th - International Visitor Leadership programme Meeting with Mr.Lakshitha Saji Prelis, Associate Director, Peacebuilding and Development Institute, American University, Mr.Jefferey W.Helsing, Deputy Director, Education and Training Center of U.S.Institute for Peace, center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Washington DC
May 6th - International Visitor Leadership programme - meeting with Ms.Elizabeth Enlow, Regional Director, American Friends Service, Ms.Karen Bernstein and Ms.Nivedita Gutta, of Safe Horizon Mediation Programme, Ms.Jane Brody of Peace first New York City.
May 7th - International Visitor Leadership programme - Meeting with R.J.DeSena Founder President Council for Peace, Creative Arts Team, the City University of New York and witnessing performance of "Face It" - presented by City at Peace - New York.